9 December 2013

YES to Happiness and NO to sadness

It has taken me 9 long years to achieve a personally assessed Phd in Energy work.  To get there I have beaten depression, had one near death experience, almost died a second time, experienced and SURVIVED life in a psychiatric ward, almost lost my two beautiful children and fought black magic for almost 3 years.  I am now living a happy life thanks to my babies (I call them my human angles).  I would not be here if it was not for them.  It was very painful living my experiences - only now I appreciate what it has done for me.  All I can say is learn from your experiences and move on.  Smile from the inside.

For this reason I will be giving something - I don't know how, what, where or when, to those children who are experiencing pain on earth.  All I do know is that it will happen when it is meant to happen.


This picture was selected by my son

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