24 October 2013

More information on how I work now ...

Having undergone extensive learning, including the breaking down of some tough obstacles, my work in this area will in most cases, if not all, be as below.

I am now able to carry out all of my healing, intuitive and clearing work at an extremely high energy vibration, and filter it into other vibrations including the dense physical plane within seconds.  I am able to do this at any time, any place, any where without it interfering in my other work.  If I am meant to work on any one I will track and locate them, and carry out the work I am meant to carry out.

The fact that I am able to do this work within a short space of time and not let it interfere with my life means that I am able to do it at no cost.

You are more than welcome to email me but I apologize in advance that in most cases I will not be able to reply.  If anyone is meant to receive a reply from me with regards to this work they will do so and if there is any work I am meant to do on anyone it will be done.


www.mindbodysoulsanctuary.com will go offline shortly.

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